Christian Wachsmann: Trusted Computing – Technology Overview and Current Market Situation. Studienarbeit (Bachelor's Thesis), Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2006.  Thesis

This document provides an overview on Trusted Computing Technology as proposed by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), formerly known as Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA). It also includes a survey on the current market situation concerning Trusted Computing hard- and software products, including academical and commercial research and development projects. The paper introduces the Trusted Computing Group and summarizes its main standards with emphasis to the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Trusted Software Stack (TSS) and Trusted Network Connect (TNC) specifications.


  author  = {Christian Wachsmann},
  title   = {Trusted Computing --- Technology Overview and Current Market Situation},
  school  = {Ruhr Universit{\"a}t Bochum},
  year    = {2006},
  month   = {March},
  address = {Bochum, Germany},
  type    = {Studienarbeit}